Page 52
after Dan Milner

Grannia Weal (Granuaile)

by trad
A courtier call’d Dorset, from Parkgate did fail,
In his Majesty’s yacht, for to court Grannia Weal;
With great entertainment the thought to prevail,
And rifle the charms of sweet Grannia Weal.

( Chorus
The Fox in the Trap we have caught by the tail
success to the sons of brave Grannia Weal. )

Says the courtier to Grannia, if you will be true,
I will bring you to London, and do for you too;
Where you shall have pleasure that never will fail,
I’ll add laurel to Shamrock, sweet Grannia Weal.


Says Grannia to Dorset, if that I would do,
Bring my fortune to London,
my children would rue;
We would be like Highlanders eating of kale,
And cursing the union, says bold Grannia Weal.


Says Grannia, I always was true to my king;
When in war, I supply’d him
with money and men.
Our love to King George
wi' our blood we did seal,
At Dettingen battle, says bold Grannia Weal.


Says Grannia, I always still lov’d to be free;
No foe shall invade me in my liberty.
While I’ve Limerick, Derry and the fort of Kinsale,
I’ll love and not marry, says bold Grannia Weal.

Says Granu, you see there’s a large stone put in,
To the heart of the church,
by the leave of the King.
The works of this stone shall be weigh’d in a scale,
With balance of justice, says Grannia Weal.


I hope our brave Harrington, likewise Kildare,
Our trade 'n our commerce once more will repair,
Our lives we will venture with greatest affail,
Against French and Spaniards,
says Grannia Weal.


Now, my dear boys, we’ve got shut of those bugs,
I charge you my children, lie close in your rugs,
They’ll hide like a snake, but will bite without fail,
Just give them shillelagh, says bold Grannia Weal.
