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Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, II, 102, 1802, chiefly from the recitation of an old woman residing near Kirkhill, in West Lothian.

    Fair Annie

    by trad
    It's [Am] narrow, narrow, [Em] make your bed
    and [Am] learn to lie [D] alone,
    for [G] I'm going [D] over the sea, Fair [Em] Annie,
    a [D] fine bride to bring [Em] home.

    With her I'll get both gold and gear, with you I ne'er got none,
    I took you as a waif woman, I'll leave you as the same.
    But who will bake my bridal bread, who'll brew my bridal ale,
    and who will welcome my brisk bride, that I bring o'er the dale?

    "It's I will bake your bridal bread, and I'll brew your bridal ale,
    and I will welcome your brisk bride, that you bring o'er the dale."
    But she that welcomes my brisk bride must go like a maiden fair,
    and she must lace her middle so neat and braid her yellow hair.

    "But how can I go maiden-like when maiden I am none?
    For I have borne seven sons by thee and am with child again."
    She's taken her young son in her arms, another in her hand,
    and she is up to the highest tower, to see him come to land.

    "Come up, come up, my eldest son, and look o'er yon sea strand,
    and see your father's new-come bride, before she come to land."
    Come down, come down, my mother dear, come down from the castle wall,
    I fear if longer you stand there you'll let yourself down fall.

    And she got down and further down, her love's fine ship to see,
    and the top mast and the main mast they shone like silver free.
    And she's gone down and further down the bride's ship to behold
    and the top mast and the main mast they shone like burning gold.

    She took her seven sons in her hand, and O she did not fail,
    She met Lord Thomas and his bride as they come o'er the dale.
    "You're welcome to your house, Lord Thomas, you're welcome to your land,
    You're welcome with your fair lady that you lead by the hand.

    You're welcome to your halls, lady, you're wecome to your bowers
    You're welcome to your home, lady, for all that's here is yours."
    'I thank thee Annie, I thank thee Annie so dearly I thank thee
    You're the likest to my sister, Annie, that ever I did see.

    There came knight from over the sea and stole my sister away
    O shame on him and his company and the land where'er he stay.'
    And aye she served the long tables with white bread and with brown,
    and aye she turned her round about so fast the tears fell down.

    When bells were rung and mass was sung and all were bound for bed
    Lord Thomas and his new come bride to their chamber they were led.
    She took her harp all in her hands to harp these two to sleep
    and as she harped and as she sang full sorely she did weep.

    If my seven sons were seven young rats running on yon castle wall
    and if I were a cat myself I soon should worry them all
    If my seven sons were seven young hares running on yon lily lea
    And I were a greyhound myself soon worried they should be

    What ails thee, Annie, What ails thee, Annie that you make such a moan
    Has your wine barrel cast its girds or is your white bread gone
    And who was your father Annie and who was your mother?
    And had you any sister, Annie and had you any brother?

    King Ester is my Father dear, Queen Ester is my mother
    John Armstrong in the Western land he is my eldest brother
    If King Ester is your father dear then also is he mine
    And it shall not be for want of gold that you your love should twine

    For I have seven ships of my own all loaded to the brim
    And I shall give them all to thee and four to thy eldest son
    And praise be to the powers in heaven that I go a maiden home